Help us make a difference in our local Geelong community by making a donation today.


Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible. The Bluebird Foundation Inc. Public Fund is a tax-deductible fund under item 12.1.1 of section 30-100(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.


Bluebird Foundation is a community arts organisation creating and delivering quality arts programs that make a real difference in people’s lives. We recognise the power of the arts to effect cultural change within communities resulting in improved social, emotional and health outcomes.

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Our projects are collaborative and needs-based, and are supported by exceptional professional artists who guide, teach and inspire. They take many shapes and forms but always:

  • Seek artistic excellence

  • Treasure the local, small-scale and gentle

  • Celebrate humanness

  • Respect what people create for themselves

“Bluebird is in schools, working with families, in the community, they’re everywhere.”